Press Release
Contact: Rick Joslyn
203 858 4999
WILTON, October 8, 2018 — State Representative Gail Lavielle (R-143), who is running for reelection to the CT House of Representatives, where she represents constituents in Norwalk, Westport, and Wilton, has been recognized by two key education organizations.
The Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut (ARTC) has endorsed Rep. Lavielle’s candidacy for reelection. The Connecticut Education Association (CEA), which in lieu of endorsements has developed a new Legislator Report Card, has recognized her efforts in support of teachers and education with its new Honor Roll distinction.
The Association of Retired Teachers of CT (ARTC)
“We are pleased to inform you that the Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut’s Political Action Committee has voted to endorse your candidacy for office,” wrote Bradley Hayward, ARTC PAC Co-Chair, in a letter to Rep. Lavielle dated October 2. “We feel that your positions on adequately funding our health insurance and pension accounts align with our positions. In the next few days we will be informing our members of your endorsement. In addition to asking our members to vote for you, we are encouraging them to work on and support your campaign. We hope that your campaign is successful and we look forward to working with you after the election.”
The ARTC is a non-profit organization of retired teachers with 16,000 members/affiliates advocating on behalf of Connecticut’s 33,000 retired teachers. ARTC promotes the economic, professional, and social well being of Connecticut’s retired teachers, and advocates for the continuous improvement of education in Connecticut schools.
“Many of my constituents are retired teachers, and it is a privilege to be an advocate for them, and for all of our retired senior citizens on fixed incomes who are grappling with Connecticut’s taxes and high costs,” said Rep. Lavielle. “In recent years, the state has not delivered on its obligations to fund the retired teachers’ pensions and to keep their post-retirement healthcare fund solvent. This is not only directly injurious to them, but also damaging to Connecticut’s financial health, which is suffering from the weight of massive unfunded liabilities that now total more than $80 billion. To restore the state’s ability to repair its infrastructure, provide appropriate services to the neediest, and reduce tax pressure on people and businesses, we must urgently address these obligations, and the ARTC understands perfectly the high stakes the state is facing. I am grateful to the ARTC for its focus on and advocacy for possible solutions, as well as for its willingness to be always a resource for us in the legislature. I’m honored by the ARTC’s endorsement, and look forward to further collaboration with its members.”
The Connecticut Education Association (CEA)
Rep. Lavielle has received the CEA Honor Roll distinction, which recognizes the candidates with the top scores on its new Legislator Report Card, in acknowledgment of their commitment to and support of public education and the rights of teachers.
The Legislator Report Card grades legislative candidates’ support for issues important to students, teachers, and public education, and according to CEA President Jeff Leake, informs members of candidates’ positions on key issues and highlights those who want to help students and teachers. It evaluates legislators’ voting records, as well as their advocacy and efforts in areas including strengthening public education funding, enhancing the teaching profession, keeping schools safe, upholding teacher certification standards, and supporting sound education policy. Those legislators with the highest report card grades are placed on CEA’s Honor Roll.
“On behalf of the Connecticut Education Association’s 43,000 active and retired members, I am honored to inform you that you have received an Honor Roll designation from our organization for your work throughout the 2017-2018 legislative sessions,” wrote Jeff Leake, CEA President, in a letter to Lavielle dated September 24. “You have proven yourself to be an advocate for students, teachers, and public education. You were consistently accessible and took the time to answer our questions committing to supporting our issues going forward. Your constituents and teachers throughout the state are fortunate to have you working for them in the General Assembly. We look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to support Connecticut’s students, teachers, and public education.”
Since its founding in 1848, CEA has been a champion of teachers and public schools. It lobbies for pro-education legislation at the state and federal levels, advances and protects the rights of teachers, and works with state policymakers to continue to elevate the teaching profession and promote public education. Its members include K-12 teachers in Connecticut public schools, as well as retired teachers and college students preparing to become teachers.
“Connecticut’s teachers play a criticial role in ensuring the future of our students and our state, and I have enormous respect and admiration for them,” said Rep. Lavielle. “As Ranking Member of the Education Committee, I’ve worked closely with a range of stakeholders on many important education issues, including education funding, mandate relief, classroom safety, enhancing student growth and development, curriculum policy, social-emotional learning, teacher evaluation, certification, special education, teacher training, and student data privacy. The CEA has always been an active and informed participant in our collaborative work, which is aimed at making our schools the best they can be, and it has brought multiple insights to the table that have appreciably enhanced the quality of our legislation. I thank the CEA for the Honor Roll distinction, and for its continuing work on behalf of students, teachers, and Connecticut’s public schools.”
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